*insert one or all of the below*
I might work in fitness, but I still struggle with “fitness” things.
I support people with choices in their nutrition; but don’t always make the best choices myself.
I might talk-the-talk when it comes to working towards balance, but I’m very far from in my own life.
* Feeling "not fit enough".
* Comparing myself to others.
* Letting stress or anxiety dictating my actions.
* Having days where I feel unmotivated.
* Relying on bad habits to get me through hard situations.
* Getting enough decent sleep
* Finding a sweet spot with recovery and understanding my body
Despite working with people everyday, to help work through some of the ⬆️ I still struggle with them.
They‘re things I have to actively challenge or give my head a wobble about frequently.
I’m not afraid to admit it?
Because it means I know how it feels. I can empathise and sympathise.
I’m not perfect. I don’t have all the answers and I have to ask people who know more than me for their support. 🤍
But by facing these challenges, I’ve developed strategies, ideas and methods to help me and hopefully people who come to me looking for help 👏🏻 You might think that you have it all hands down and sorted. But then one thing comes up that makes you question EVERYTHING you know and overwhelms.
Which is why I can’t express enough how having someone in your corner who you do trust and can open up to, is to important. A person to help takeaway some of the mental fatigue and overwhelm.
A coach. A mentor. A friend. A personal trainer. A manager.
Someone to help you at whatever stage of your journey you’re on.