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New Year, Same Me…Just an Improved Version!

Writer: Adele MeadeAdele Meade

Now Christmas is over, the next thing on everyone’s agenda is the new year ahead of us. Resolutions is the buzz word now.

We all suddenly feel like we have to set new goals for the new year. Or that we have to follow what everyone else is doing; which leads us to setting goals that we actually don’t really care about. We set huge expectations and promises to ourselves for the year coming. It almost becomes a competition as to who can set the biggest targets, sign up to the most events or commit to the biggest change.

Which is great if you’re using this time as fresh start and you’re actually going to commit to something. Or if you’ve decided finally, that 2025 is the time to start prioritising yourself (welcome 👋).

New year’s can be a good time to set new targets or intentions. Some of us like the idea of a clean calendar; you’ve had some time to reflect and decide that it’s the right time for you to make change.

But…please remember you don’t have to set resolutions or change your entire being, just because the calendar has switched from 2024, to ‘25.

Please remind yourself of the below ⬇️ whenever you feel overwhelmed about what you should or shouldn’t be doing this new year.

  1. You don’t need a complete identity overhaul.

  2. You don’t need to damage control what you’ve eaten over the festive period/December.

  3. You don’t need to enter a fitness phase.

  4. You don’t need a huge switch up to what you’re currently doing to fit a trend, fad or “identity”.

  5. You don’t need to change at you’re doing now if you enjoy it/it’s working for you, just because everyone else is.

  6. You don’t need to diet or make weight loss the goal. That isn’t the only fitness goal you should / have to set.

  7. You don’t need to make these changes instantly or suddenly on January 1st. Your body doesn’t know what date the calendar says it is. You don’t need to have all your s**t together ready to sprint out of the gates as soon as the clock strikes midnight.

  8. Try not to fall into a trap of over-reaching and putting too much expectation on yourself. If the goals you set are overly ambitious, based on where you’re at currently, they become overwhelming. There’s nothing wrong with being optimistic and wanting to challenge ourselves; but targets too out of reach can be demoralising.

Eyes to the stars, feet on the ground ✨

Start small, baby steps and slow but steady. It’s not a sprint race; it’s a long term commitment to your health and wellbeing!


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