There’s a tonne of conflicting information telling us what we should/shouldn’t eat to get ‘THE BEST RESULTS’.
Let me tell you; half of it is a money making scheme and absolute rubbish . It makes us focus on less calories, smaller portions, magic supplements and Fad diet trends.
But what about eating for wellness?
Eating for long term health?
Eating to nourish your body and brain?
Shifting the focus to a sustainable diet that encourages nourishment & health on all levels (mental, social, physical)?
Below are 🔟 tips help you eat BETTER for life ⬇️
1️⃣ Eat to cover your energy needs. This might mean being in a surplus/ deficit for a period of time. But providing our body enough to deal with life, as well as extra stress we cause through training, sport or hobbies.
2️⃣ Have a balance of macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats) & not eliminating food groups.
3️⃣ Put as much effort into eating for mental wellbeing & longevity as you do physical. Including foods & supplements to boost memory, brain function, energy levels.
4️⃣ Not neglecting hydration or micronutrients in favour of trendy diets or FADS. We need the vitamins & minerals to keep our body functioning normally.
5️⃣ How can you include MORE nutritious foods; fill your plate with colour, balance & foods to fuel your body. Inclusivity over exclusion is way to have a positive outlook on your diet.
6️⃣ Try to eat slowly & mindfully. Even for one meal a day; taking time to enjoy what you’re eating or not be distracted by 7,654 other things at the same time.
7️⃣ Try to include home prepped meals or food you’re proud to eat. When we put effort or time into making something, we get a sense of self-pride when we eat it = dopamine boost.
8️⃣ Food plays a role in social life, culture & religions. Having the ability & flexibility to include yourself in these situations is HUGE. Getting involved social occasions doesn’t mean you can’t still hold yourself to “good nutrition” standards or your personal goals.
9️⃣ Regular meals. Not going so long without eating, then being so hungry you binge or eat everything & anything.
🔟 Respect food & your decisions around it. Realise how things make you feel both during & after eating them. Balancing a level of discipline & not over restricting.
Good diet & nutrition is more than just protein, chia seeds & rice cakes. It’s about working towards establishing a healthier, respectful relationship with food.