Today I want to touch on setbacks. Things that happen that put a pause on things and make us stop.
-It could be work related.
-Being poorly, fatigued or ill.
-It could be poor sleep, not eating properly, social occasions, going on holiday.
-It maybe injury related and totally unavoidable. Whatever it is, these things happen and are going to continue to do so. We can’t stop them and so the best way is to learn how to deal with it and move on from.
I want to highlight a few important things to remember.
A missed workout, or even week out of routine will not have any lasting effect on overall progress.
The stress and anxiety you cause yourself from worrying about these setbacks will 100% cause more damage than the setback itself in most cases.
It may be that you come back stronger and more rested which will positively affect you.
Things like holidays & social occasions are what you’ll remember when you’re older, not the weight you hit on squats in your leg session that week.
With injury and illness, the body is amazing and muscle memory is a real thing. You just need to give it chance to do it’s thing and recover.
This leads me nicely on to rest and recovery-
It's important to “listen to your body”. Our bodies are usually pretty good at letting us know when something is wrong. Being achey & a bit sore from training is common, especially when muscles haven’t been exercised for a long time, or you try a new exercise.
Stairs feel like a challenge after training legs? Struggling to wash your hair after a WOD with lots of pressing and air balls? When muscles feel heavy the day after you've exercised, you probably have DOMS. Now, it’s important to know the difference between genuine pain/injury and muscle soreness [DOMS]. You have to damage the muscle fibres in order for it to repair and grow but there’s a huge difference between that and real injury and/or burning out.
-Swelling/ inflammation
- constant chronic pain/fatigue
-change in appetite
-loss of your period [for ladies]
- joint issues
-affects on sleep
-relying on medication, joint supports, excess caffeine to get through sessions
-mental fatigue & training brain fog
These are not normal! ⬆️⬆️⬆️
Scheduling in rest days, de-load periods and just recognising when you’re not feeling 100% are important to continue progressing. You can’t make progress if you constantly put yourself in a state where you’re not able to train consistently.