If you want to do a pullup or want to start working towards them, there’s a few exercises I would suggest practicing LOTS of.
Even if you don’t want to do pull-ups or chin-ups, these are all still fab exercises to help build a stronger back/ upper body!
You want to try to include some of the below in your weekly programme/sessions.
• Horizontal Pulling Exercises (Seated row, Bent over row, Single Arm Rows)
• Vertical Pulling Exercises (Lat Pulldown, Assisted Pullups, Inverted Row, Upright Rows, TRX Rows, Ring Rows)
• Accessory Movements (Bicep Curls, Hammer Curls, Face Pulls, Scap Pulls, Lat Pushdown, Pullovers)
• Core Exercises (Active Hang, Dead Hang, Plank, Hollow Hold)
Once you’ve worked on these and built the strong foundations then start increasing difficulty.
If you really want to do a pullup & you’re willing to give it the time it needs to get there, keep nailing these exercises
If you've been trying these exercises and aren't getting anywhere with your pull ups, drop me a line and I'll see where I can help.